Metal Resource Valorisation Technologies


Metal Resource Valorisation Technologies


Metal Resource Valorisation Technologies


Metal Resource Valorisation Technologies


Metal Resource Valorisation Technologies


The specific strategic objective of the METAL RESOURCES VALORISATION TECHNOLOGIES Laboratory is the integration of new concepts and technologies in sustainable processes in the non-ferrous and rare metals industry and inorganic applied chemistry..

Scientific objectives:

  • Development of new technologies, based on modern methods and with low impact on the environment, for the reintroduction into the economic circuit of waste (DEEE, end of life batteries, etc.) containing non-ferrous metals;
  • Recovery of non-ferrous metals from metallic waste, using the process of melting in the microwave field and treatment / neutralization of the resulting noxious substances with a thermal filter;
  • Development of innovative solutions for the substitution, recycling and reuse of critical and non-renewable materials for products necessary for an inclusive digital economy;
  • Valorisation of metallic resources by developing technologies for recovery and reuse of metals from secondary resources, with the limitation and reduction of harmful agents and factors on the environment (gas emission, heavy metal contamination, the resulting volume of waste, etc.);
  • Valorisation of secondary resources by obtaining alloys and composite materials, based on modeling and design of materials and processes to improve product characteristics and ensure technological sustainability; rapid solidification of metal alloys with improved properties;
  • Electrochemical processes for the extraction, deposition and recycling of metallic materials.


The microwave reactor, ultraviolet and ultrasonic synthesis / extraction is a multifunctional chemical reactor that can combine random overlap and adjust the microwave energy, ultraviolet light and ultrasound waves. Applications: synthesis of new nanomaterials, synthesis of organic substances, chemical and energy resources, extraction of natural products, industry biopharmaceuticals and medicine, leaching residues and pesticide POPs, wastewater treatment.

The spectrometer BELEC VARIO LAB is one of the most advanced precise and flexible analysis system, used for the spectrometric determination of the chemical composition of metals. The analysis of small pieces with different forms, e.g. wires larger than 0.5 mm, metal splinters, screws, washers or even small balls, is possible without special preparations.

Portable instrument, field and laboratory identification and quick measurement, non-destructive XRF instrument using a different species of metals present in the soil.

Melting and casting in vacuum/controlled atmosphere, Linn High Therm GmbH, molds in a controlled atmosphere.

Nabertherm LHT 04/17 GmbH high temperature resistance furnace equipped with digital control unit for thermal cycle programming. Working temperatures up to 1500 ° C. Multipoint temperature control assistance through a separate control unit.

MW melting furnace, Crucible capacity (useful volume): 1 liter, No. MW magnetrons: 5 × 850 W, Max. Temp.: 1350-1400 ° C. The installation contains a MW thermal filter. Filter dimensions: Ø 25 cm, length 40 cm, Filter material (MW susceptor): i. SiC; ii. SiC + Al2O3, Material type: i. Balls: Ø 8-10mm; ii. Sponge / foam, MW magnets No.: 3 × 850 W, Max temp: 1100-1200 °C.

Electric furnace with vertical tube type Carbolite CTF 12/100/900, with digital programming, with controlled atmosphere; temperature measuring device (portable optical pyrometer); laboratory hydraulic press 6tf, 20x30mm metal powder pressing mold.

Consisting of: frequency generator, inductor, melting crucibles, cooling disk (copper), laser tachometer.

DC-rectifier type R-CCT R / m, max. 12V / 600A; Tacussel PRT 10-20X potentiostat type, max. ± 20V / ± 10A; molten salts electrolysis cells: 0.3-30dmc, max. 1200 ° C; KS 3000 digital measurement and recording interface; drying installation – purification of inert gases (argon, nitrogen); Anode gas detection and analysis apparatus (CO, CO2).

Potentiostat / galvanostat with digital control; electrolysis cells set: different capacities (1-10 A) endowed with heating and shaking capacity; Glove Box Brown MB-20G enclosure with controlled atmosphere (argon or nitrogen); thermostatic heater, maximum temperature 300 ° C; magnetic stirrer with heating, peristaltic pump, analytical balance.

Modeling Calculation System: Desktop Processor AMD Ryzen-Threadripper 1920X, 32 Gb RAM

Software: Matlab-Simulink with 13 modules, Soft Matcalc 6 Pro with databases for Ni, Al, and steel alloys

HSC 7 software for simulating chemical reactions and determining thermodynamic quantities

Extraction and separation of nonferrous and rare metals from primary and secondary resources by hydrometallurgical processes at laboratory scale.

It is for the heat treatments applied to amorphous-crystalline phase transformations of thin layers. The oven is programmable with 9 programs each with 6 segments and a program with unique preset temperature, with daily schedule activation and chart program.

Extraction and separation of nonferrous and rare metals from solution by liquid-liquid extraction.

Testo 350XL is a portable measurement system, designed for a wide range of applications. It can be used to adjust any type of burner, measuring gas concentrations over a long period of time, check the atmosphere in focus regardless of the type of combustion process, maintenance of stationary engines from stations cogeneration checking the pressure and speed of flue gas piping evacuation. The analyzer consists of analysis unit, control unit and gas sampling probe. Examples of application: measurement of NOx (NO and NO2) in thermal power plants, SO2 emission measurements in the clean air of the coal furnaces, measurement of the NOx gas in the blast furnace fused with a high level of NO2, monitoring the level of SO2 during the manufacturing process in ceramics, and glassware monitoring the effectiveness of DeNOx systems.

Applications: waste water treatment plants and industrial waste, including mine water, complex installations for producing fine-grained materials including nanomaterials, flotation equipment for non-ferrous metal ore, antimicrobial treatment plant and water oxygenation.

This microwave is designed to heat and dry materials.

Designed for electrochemical processes of electrolysis or controlled anodic oxidation (obtaining nanotubular layers of TiO2).

Hydrometallurgical treatment for primary and secondary non-ferrous and rare mineral resources (leaching pilot scale).

Laboratory team


Non-ferrous metals valorisation through hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical processes:

  • Metals extraction from primary and secondary resources from aqueous solutions, followed by phase separation, concentration, purification of solutions and metals recovery;
  • Redox processes in autoclave under pressure and temperature conditions; solubilization through addition of reagents;
  • Melting of electrical and electronic waste (DEE) in microwave field. Advantages: controlled process, reduced time and energy, separation of organic and metallic components, treatment of toxic gases.

Design, elaboration and processing of special alloys:

  • Thermodynamic and kinetic evaluation of alloy systems and synthesis processes through the use of professional software;
  • Obtaining and processing multicomponent alloys (HEA, hydrogen storage, superalloys), environmentally friendly solder alloys (based on Ag, Cu, Sn, without content of Cd, Pb or other toxic metals), copper and copper alloys, alloys of aluminum, by melting in electric and induction furnaces, and heat treatment, in a controlled atmosphere or vacuum. Advantages: improved physical-mechanical and technological characteristics (HEA alloys, soft soldering, brazing, joining, light alloys), alloys for industrial fields (electrical and electronic equipment, automobiles, machine construction, aerospace, etc.);
  • Microstructured and nanostructured alloys by rapid solidification (melt-spinning) with applications especially in powder metallurgy and for magnetic devices.

Technological consultancy for technologies for obtaining reactive metals and alloys:

  • Technologies for obtaining Li and Li-Na, Al-Li, Pb-Ca alloys by electrochemical co-deposition in chlorinated and oxyfluorochlorinated media, by electrolysis in molten salts;
  • Technologies for obtaining lanthanides (Ce, Nd, Pr, Sm) and Al-TR alloys, mischmetall, Mg-Nd, Nd-Fe-B, by electrolysis in oxyfluorinated media;
  • Tehnologii de obținere a metalelor rare, titan, zirconiu, aliaje de metale refractare, prin tehnici electrochimice neconvenționale (ionizare-reducere electrochimică în medii de cloruri);
  • Technologies for obtaining rare metals, titanium, zirconium, refractory metal alloys, by unconventional electrochemical techniques (ionization-electrochemical reduction in chloride media).


Passionate about research? We're hiring.

We're looking for Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Material Science and Engineering, Physics, Mechanics and Mechatronics graduates.