Analysis Laboratory


Analysis Laboratory


Analysis Laboratory


Analysis Laboratory


Analysis Laboratory


The Analysis Laboratory consists of two compartments:

  1. Chemical Analysis
  2. Physical and Structural Characterization

The Analysis Laboratory within INCDMNR-IMNR, is accredited RENAR (LI Nr.1056 / 16.04.2019) for:

  • Determination of Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Zn content within aluminium, aluminium alloys and technology solutions, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP-OES;
  • Determination of Cd, Ca, Pb, Au and Ag content by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy, in ores, concentrates and technological solutions;
  • Qualitative phase analysis by X-ray powder diffraction of polycrystalline inorganic materials;
  • Physical tests: petrographic examination for natural stone and aggregates;
  • Metallographic tests: microscopic examination (metallography) for steels; determining the content of inclusions in steels; classification of graphite by visual analysis in cast iron; metallographic determination of the microstructure of sintered hard alloys; microscopic examination of welded joints of metallic materials.


Bragg-Brentano method, X ray powder diffraction with radiation source CuKα an SOL X detector in θ–θ vertical geometry. Software: SLEVE + and PDF-4+ database, allows crystalline phase identification and quantification, crystallinity, crystallite size and microdeformations, as well as crystalline structure characterization: Indexing, crystallization system, lattice parameters.

Having the following modules: flame module to determine the following elements Cu, Co, Cd, Pb, Sb, Zn, Ni, Fe, Cr, Mg, Ca, Na, K, Rb, Li, Sr, Ga, In, Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Rh, graphite furnace, vapor generator in order to determine the following elements As, Bi, Sb, Se, Sn, Te. Quantitative determination of metals in a wide range of concentrations: from ppb up to tens of %, using several measurement techniques.

for DSC-TG analysis. Temperature range: 20°C – 1600°C. Heat flow between 1°/min and 40°/min. Used gases: argon, helium or air. The amount required for an analysis is approximately 20 mg. Alumina crucibles are used.

It is equipped with a conventional electrochemical cell with three electrodes: working electrode (WE), reference electrode Ag / AgCl in 3M KCl solution and counter electrode (CE); 1 litre corrosion cell with three electrodes (WE, RE, CE); software NOVA 2.1; electrochemical analysis methods: cyclic voltammetry (CV), differential pulse voltammetry (DPV), chronoamperometry (CA), chronopotentiometry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) used for electrodeposition, organic and inorganic coatings, metals recovery, preparation of modified electrodes, electrochemical characterization, electrochemical corrosion testing.

Key features: potential range +/- 10 V; maximum current 800 mA ; compliance voltage +/- 12 V ; Current range : 1 A to 10 nA ; Potential accuracy +/- 0.2% ; Current accuracy +/- 0.2%.

With high resolution, fully digitized, produced by FEI Company, incorporated with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer, produced by EDAX, consisting of ELEMENT Silicon Drift Detector Fixed, Element EDS Analysis Software Suite. The Quanta 250 system, purchased in 2017, is designed to study conductive, non-conductive and/or hydrated samples in their natural state, without additional preparation (metallization).

With polarized light, reflected and transmitted – Axio Imager A1m, produced by Carl Zeiss Microimaging Gmbh, purchased in 2007, equipped with a digital camera for image acquisition and AxioVision Release 4.8.1 dedicated software for image processing.

Produced by Anton Paar, with Vickers indenter, purchased in 2007.

Produced by Buehler, purchased in 2007, for powders and delicate samples.

Produced by Buehler, purchased in 2007.

Produced by Buehler, purchased in 2007.

Laboratory team


The Analysis Laboratory can offer a wide variety of services, such as:

  • establishing the chemical composition and structure of materials and products;
  • determination of major elements and impurities in metals, alloys, metal powders, inorganic chemicals, ores, ceramic, refractory, composites, slag, minerals;
  • determination of rare earth contents in different matrices, in metallic and non-metallic products;
  • determination of metallic compounds in water, soil;
  • thermal analysis for different types of materials,
  • mineralogical and metallographic analyses through optical microscopy;
  • Vickers microhardness testing;
  • scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.

Through flame atomic absorption spectrometry, can be perform quantitative determination for the following elements: Cu, Co, Cd, Pb, Sb, Zn, Ni, Fe, Cr, Mg, Ca, Na, K, Rb, Li, Sr, Ga, In, as well as the platinic metals: Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Rh.

The ICP-OES, 725 model, allows the quantitative determination of more than 70 elements from the periodic table.

Bruker-AXS D8 ADVANCE Diffractometer equipped with a Cu (CuKα) radiation source and a scintillation counter and a graphite monochromator; Bragg-Brentano mounting and θ-θ vertical geometry. Software: The ICDD PDF 4+ 2021 database, Sieve + 2021 and DIFFRAC.EVA release 2019 software are used to process the obtained data. Applications: crystalline phase identification and quantification; crystallinity determination; crystallites size determination; micro deformation determination; crystalline structure characterization: indexing, crystal system, lattice parameters.

SETSYS Evolution, Setaram, France, can perform DSC/TG thermal analysis. Specification: temperature range between 20°C – 1600°C; with a heat flow of 1°/min – 40°/min; gases used: argon, helium or air. The amount required for an analysis is approximately 20 mg. Alumina crucibles are used. Applications: determination of thermal behaviour of metals, alloys or oxides; determination of heat flow; kinetic studies.

MINERALOGIC ANALYSIS THROUGH OPTICAL MICROSCOPY with polarized, reflected and transmitted light on the following sample types: minerals, sedimentary rocks, magmatic rocks, igneous rocks, ore deposits, mining concentrates; slags and flying ashes from the metallurgical industry, etc.

METALLOGRAPHY BY OPTICAL MICROSCOPY on the following sample types: metals, special alloys, metal composites, hybrid composites, ceramic and metal coatings, semiconductors. VICKERS MICROHARDNESS testing.

Applications: surface topography and morphology identification, phase distribution and qualitative determinations of trace elements in phases, elemental Semi-quantitative composition, distribution of elements on the analysed surface.

CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Volumetry and gravimetry
Laboratory perform quantitative and semi-quantitative determinations using the following methods:
– Volumetry: Ag, Fe, Zn, Pb, Ca, Mg, Al, Zr, Sn, Fe2+.
– Gravimetry: Si, Sn, Stotal, SO42-, calcination loss, humidity.

PhD. Ana-Maria MOCIOIU
phone: +4021 352 2050/int 112;
fax: +4021 352 2049

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