International Exhibition on Innovation and Research
UGAL INVENT 2021, 5th Edition
10-12 November 2021, Galați, ROMÂNIA
IMNR participated in the International Exhibition on Innovation and Research UGAL INVENT 2021, 5th Edition, a virtual event, with 5 research projects. The IMNR team won 2 silver medals and 1 bronze medal:
- SILVER MEDAL: ”MONAMIX – New concepts for efficient extraction of mixed rare earth oxides from monazite concentrates and their potential use as a dopant in high temperature coatings and sintered materials” (ctr. 50/2018);
- SILVER MEDAL: ”Improved antibacterial and self-cleaning properties for new nanoparticle-added mortars – MORCLEAN” (ctr. 504PED/2020);
- BRONZE MEDAL: ”Electrochemical synthesis of high entropy alloys with superior tribological and corrosion resistance – HEASYNTCORR” (ctr. 330PED/2020).
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