On 6-7 March 2018 the University of Malta hosted the 2nd BIONECA Working Group (WG) meeting in Valletta, Malta.
The event was organized in the framework of project ”Biomaterials and Advanced Physical Techniques for Regenerative Cardiology and Neurology – BIONECA” (CA 16122), implemented through the COST Action of the Horizon 2020 Program.
BIONECA aims to become the most effective instrument in coordination, harmonization and defragmentation of the stem cell research across Europe and world, bringing unification of protocols for application of stem cells for neurological and cardiovascular diseases.
The agenda included:
- self-presentations of the new members
- overview of STSMs performed in the first year of BIONECA
- WG Summary, where WG leaders presented State of the Art, Future needs and Plans
- parallel working group meetings, where researchers from different labs had brainstorming sessions and established inter-lab collaborations and possible common project proposals
- KEY NOTE LECTURE: “Frontier Biomaterials Technology to Realize Regenerative Therapy for Patients”, Prof. Yasuhiko Tabata
- poster session and networking.
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