2018, December 14, IMNR headquarters
National R&D Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare - IMNR is helding at its headquarters: 102 Buruintei Blvd, Pantelimon, Ilfov County, on 2018 December 14 , at 10 o-clock, the contest for a position in the frame of the Project "Individual and Collective Protection Systems for Military-Based Alloys with High Entropy" PN II P1-1.2-FPRD-2017-0875 - two Research Assistant positions - graduated of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering.

2018, November 20, IMNR headquarters
National R&D Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare - IMNR is helding at its headquarters: 102 Buruintei Blvd, Pantelimon, Ilfov County, on 2018 November 20, at 10 o-clock, the contest for a position in the frame of the Project "Individual and Collective Protection Systems for Military-Based Alloys with High Entropy" PN II P1-1.2-FPRD-2017-0875 - two Research Assistant positions - graduated of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering.

2018, November 14 - 16, Bucharest, ROMANIA
2nd International Conference "Emerging Technologies in Materials Engineering" EmergeMAT

2018, Octomber 23, IMNR headquarters
National R&D Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare - IMNR is helding at its headquarters: 102 Buruintei Blvd, Pantelimon, Ilfov County, on 2018 Octomber 23, at 10 o-clock, the contest for a position in the frame of the Project "Individual and Collective Protection Systems for Military-Based Alloys with High Entropy" PN II P1-1.2-FPRD-2017-0875 - 1 Research Assistant position - graduated of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering.

2018, September 20, IMNR headquarters
National R&D Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare - IMNR is helding at its headquarters: 102 Buruintei Blvd, Pantelimon, Ilfov County, on 2018, September 20, at 10 o-clock, the contest for a position in the frame of the Project "Individual and Collective Protection Systems for Military-Based Alloys with High Entropy" PN II P1-1.2-FPRD-2017-0875 -2 Research Assistant positions - graduated of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering.

2018, June 04, IMNR headquarters
National R&D Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare - IMNR is helding at its headquarters: 102 Buruintei Blvd, Pantelimon, Ilfov County, on 2018, June 04, at 10 o-clock, the contest for a position in the frame of the Project "Individual and Collective Protection Systems for Military-Based Alloys with High Entropy" PN II P1-1.2-FPRD-2017-0875 - 1 Research Assistant position - graduated of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering.